Aart Bontekoning
Social psychologist & generational expert
Aart Bontekoning is an internationally recognized keynote speaker and expert in social psychology, with over two decades of research into generational dynamics within organizations. Known for his groundbreaking work on the evolution of work habits across generations, he has developed a unique methodology that analyzes videotaped interactions to reveal how outdated practices can drain energy from all generations and dulls organisations.
His research highlights the crucial role of older generations in supporting and nurturing the updates introduced by younger generations, comparing this process to the refreshing of water in a lake—essential for sustaining a vibrant and productive environment. With a proven track record in both academia and industry, Aart Bontekoning offers powerful insights into how organizations can embrace intergenerational collaboration to foster innovation, growth, and long-term success.
Outdated behavior causes crises
Nieuwe Generatie Organisatie
Nieuwe Generatie Organisatie

Video 1 Wat zijn generaties

Video 2 Wetenschappelijk generatie onderzoek

Video 3 De generatie indeling in Nederland

Video 4 Over generatiewisselingen en toenemend arbeidstekort
Het Diversiteitstheater
Het Diversiteitstheater

Promo Diversiteitstheater 25sec v3
Make Your Event Unforgettable
with a performance by Aart Bontekoning, Audry Bron, and a diverse team of actors. We deliver a unique blend of entertainment, education, and profound insights on diversity and inclusion.
Stronger Together:
Leveraging generational diversity enhances social development and increases the appeal of a team or organization. Cultural diversity fosters creativity, well-being, and broadens perspectives.
Tailored to Your Needs:
Each event is customized to address the challenges and goals of your audience. We can focus on generational diversity, cultural diversity, or a combination of both. The performance duration can range from 1.5 hours—“the diversity tasting”—to a full day—“paths to an inclusive organization.”
Experience That Speaks:
Benefit from our extensive expertise in addressing generational differences, cultural diversity, and building inclusive communities. Aart is Dr. “Generational Diversity in Organizations”. Audry is a Ph.D. candidate in inclusive collaboration. We also offer access to a complementary expert network.
Ready to Make a Difference?
Together, we create an event that entertains, enriches, and connects.