As a manager at the police force, Aart developed an increasing interest in organizational (culture) change. This led him to study Social Psychology at Utrecht University. He later established himself as an independent change consultant.
In the late 1990s, Aart noticed young professionals "hitting walls" and quickly losing their freshness and work energy. Together with these young individuals, he searched for the root causes and potential solutions. Between 2000 and 2007, this exploration culminated in doctoral research on the influence of successive generations in refreshing outdated processes within organizational cultures.
Drawing from his experience in change consultancy and the works of scholars such as Karl Mannheim, Julian Marías, Ortega y Gasset, Strauss & Howe, and Henk Becker, Aart built a generational theory, developed a unique research method (analyzing video recordings of intergenerational collaboration), and worked on making interventions more effective.
He has worked with hundreds of organizations to explore generational diversity and continuously shares his knowledge through masterclasses and publications. This includes insights into both older and younger working generations and their (healthy) interactions. At the same time, he refined an approach to renewing organizational cultures through successive generations, a crucial challenge for many aging organizations. See Services for more information.